Copilot X for GitLab

What The Diff provides a AI-generated merge request descriptions for GitLab, so if you want to get the experience of AI generated summaries for your merge requests in GitLab, start your free trial at What The Diff today.

Merge requests on steroids

What The Diff is your personal merge request assistant. Add wtd:summary to the description of a Merge Request in GitLab and it automatically writes the summary for you. Add wtd:joke to insert a context relevant developer joke or wtd:poem if you feel more lyric.

These shortcodes makes writing merge request descriptions a breeze, and you can even add them to your merge request templates so that you can automate the whole process.

We believe that merge requests are the lifeline of your development team, and every team member should be able to understand the changes made in a merge request. The What The Diff summary is written without too much technical jargon, making it easy to catch up on the latest developments, even for your project managers who want to be up to date about the projects progress.

As an alternative to GitHub's Copilot, What The Diff can send generated descriptions to all team members, regardless of whether they have a GitLab account.

Effortless reports

We understand that it can be difficult to keep everyone involved, and that many developers love to code but don't enjoy writing documentation or changelogs. Fortunately, AI-generated merge request descriptions for GitLab are here to help. These descriptions are well-written and can be easily shared with the team.

What The Diff supports sending these descriptions via email, Slack, or webhooks. It can even generate weekly summaries with all of your changes. With automated reports that are sent out on time, you can skip writing a weekly report or shorten long and expensive manual reviews.

Ongoing explorations

We believe that merge requests are a key element to every team oriented workflow. This is why we are experimenting with more ideas:

  • Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could link issues and merge requests would be automatically matched against their requirements?
  • What if you could start a conversation within an issue and ask the What The Diff how to start working on the overwhelming task?
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